Alexander Fakeri

CEO & Founder

Alex is a Service Disabled Veteran and served in the US Navy. His career includes experience in digital marketing, web technologies, and leadership at companies such as and Northrup Grumman. In 2004, he founded MOJO with the mission of bridging the gap between marketing and operations.  As MOJO's Senior Solution Architect, he specializes in Customer Journey Design, SEO, and CX. He resides in Maryland with his family and actively supports organizations like DAV, MCVET, and the National VIP.

"...people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

- Maya Angelou

Maryland's Leading Design & Development Agency

Established in 2004, MOJO is renowned for crafting custom, innovative solutions merging marketing and operations. Our unique website design process drives our success. With a talented team of designers, developers, marketers, and architects, we excel in quality and passion. Though human, our dedication to purposeful evolution and innovation makes us exceptional. Situated in Maryland, home to Chesapeake Bay and vital ports, we're surrounded by organizations like AAEDC, AAWDC, BWI Business Partnership, NAACCC, MCCC, National VIP, and Ft. Meade, all driving innovation and growth.